Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Cycle of Excellence

Cycle of Excellence

Q Draw on the material in the background readings and do additional research to prepare a magazine article in which you do the following: Analyze the five steps of the Cycle of Excellence and discuss the added value of using the Cycle of Excellence. Critique Hallowell’s Cycle of Excellence and use it as a starting point to create your own cycle of excellence. Share real-world employer examples (by employer name). Discuss how the cycle of excellence you have developed is the optimum approach for managing human capital. The magazine article you are writing should be similar to an article you might find in TD: Talent Development (magazine of the Association for Talent Development) or in HR Magazine (magazine for the Society for Human Resource Management, SHRM). Both are found in the Trident Online Library. Utilize at least three other reference sources to build your article. Cite sources within your paragraphs and include them in a References list at the end of your article. (Note: Even though practitioner magazine articles at times do not cite sources or have a reference section, they are needed for our academic purposes. See the Student Guide to Writing a High-Quality Academic Paper for additional information. Include a cover page and a reference page.?

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The process of developing and rewarding the employees are the way to identify the goals of the organization in order to support the performances of the employees in a proper manner. Every organization requires a strategic reward system for every employee for addressing the compensation, recognition, appreciation and benefits (Rousmaniere et al. 2017). Developing and rewarding are the procedure of encouraging the employees for giving their best within the organization while doing own tasks. The purpose of writing this magazine article is to provide detailed information on rewarding and developing the employees for the ultimate success of the company in a suitable manner.